Well, my SIL had her second baby boy 15 months after her first! So, I figure I have done that a few times and decided to go to Kansas where her and her hubby are so he can go to law school (GO KU!). Anyway we went up for the blessing and I was able to stay a few extra days to help out where I could. My SIL Laura is awesome and would have been fine without me but I enjoyed my time there getting to know these cute boys!! I have to give a shout out of thanks to my GREAT friends that helped me out SO much with my wild ones while I was away: Cydnie, Lindsey, Tena, Kristen, Rachel, Susan, Velvet, Martha, Shannah, Maryanne and my awesome Aunt Connie.

The WHOLE family. Jarom and Kelly made a LONG drive from Colorado to be there. They are troopers to bring their 2 cute boys along too!!

Spencer and I were able to get some alone time before he went back to work that Monday.

The newest addition to the Hill family, Aaron.

This is Laura's 1st boy, David. We went to Wal-Mart where I thought he needed what every boy has...his first lightsaber!! Don't worry David next time you are in AZ my boys can show you EXACTLY what to do with it!!

I was giving David a bath and he has the BEST hair I have ever seen for this style!