I feel like I have just not had the time to update our blog lately....So, as I am waiting for Abby to come home from going to the Lion King at gammage with Aunt Shelly (thanks SO much Shelly, she LOVED it), and because Spencer is out of town working SO hard for our family...I have found the time to write down our life as it has unfolded the last couple of months. Keep scrolling, there are quire a few new posts!! As the new year begins we are SO greatful for our family, friends and a beautiful place to live. We feel blessed to have the gospel in our lives to guide and direct us as we weave through this crazy, sometimes difficult wonderful life.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Our Anniversary! The Big 10!
ALERT!! LONG POST AHEAD...it is well worth the read!
On January 8th Spencer and I celebrated our 10th anniversary! As far as I knew we were going to go to dinner...so, I was looking a little worn out after a LONG day with my great kids. We went to Brio at the new mall here (its one of my favorites). As we are eating dinner Spencer tells me he need to use the little boys room, (not unusual for him). A few minutes after he returns, the manager comes back and gives me a dozen beautiful roses and a folder. I was quite shocked by the roses alone, but I was FLOORED as I opened the folder and found that Spencer had planned a southern carribean cruise for us leaving in TWO WEEKS!! I was a bit panicked beacuse as a mother of 5 I know full well you cant just up and leave without extensive planning. Then Spencer goes on to tell me he has all the kids worked out! (my friends can keep one heck of a secret!!). As I am busy flipping through the brochure..I catch him getting out of the booth and walking over to me. He then proceeds to get on ONE KNEE!!! I was a little embarrased I have to admit! He then tells me how much he loves me and hopes the next 10 years will be just as good. He THEN hands me a black box! It had the most beautiful ring in it. The ring consists of 5 diamonds (to represent 5 kids) with each of their birthstones in between and his birthstone on the end to even it out! I must say I was very suprised and feel very lucky to have such a great man in my life. I love him so much for the amazing husband and father that he is.

Christmas 2008
Riding in the Desert
Well, when there is not enough snow up north this is what we like to do....have some fun in the desert. Spencer and his friend Chris are so nice to give the moms a day off by taking the kids to the desert. The kids have a blast and I am always happy to see them in one piece when they return.
Caleb Joe mastering the 50cc motorcycle

Cute kids on the go cart.
Braiden also mastering the 50cc motorcycle
AHHHH! What is that daddy doing with my girl? I dont think he understands what pain I had to go through to get her here......
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