Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Day of School

This summer we had a blast, and now school must begin. I was ready for the summer to end, however it is bittersweet knowing that my kids will be spending more time away from home, which is were I like them to be. It is SO hard to send them away...mostly because I know every time I do, they are growing up and getting older.
Abby, 3rd grade, Ms. Garcia's class. Abby is SO lucky to have so many people from our ward in her class. BUT on the flip side she desperatly misses Madison, who she had classes with the last 3 years!! They have managed to meet everyday at lunch and hang out!

Braiden, 1st grade, Mrs. Berkshire's class. Braiden is also SO lucky to have many kids from our ward in his class. It was SO hard for me to see my little guy growing up and going to ALL DAY school now. Packing a lunch for him still feels so weird.

Caleb, Kindergarten, Ms. Nicholas' class. I am so excieted for Caleb to be in K!! He is such a sweet boy, and even though I will miss him at home...he is only in 1/2 day so I don't miss him too long. I look forward to all the great friends he will meet. We just love his teacher also. She is SO wonderful. I look forward to 11:00 am when I get to go pick him up and bring him home!

All three of our Coronado Coyote Clan!!

Oh, yes! You guessed it! Our little Dayson is in school too. He is in his first year of preschool and boy was he excieted to get started. He had all his great friends in his class and the structure is great for him (and for me too)! He has been looking forward to this day since last year. We would drop off Caleb he would bring his backpack too hoping that someday it would be his turn too!!


Hill Family said...

What big kids!

Anonymous said...

Cute blog...those sleepover's looked way fun. I don't remember going to sleepover's that cool, doing all that stuff. Have fun in Costa Rica!

Anonymous said...

foudn your blog through Facebook - it is great to see what you all are up to since we are in Utah and miss seeing you all at the big family gatherings! Your Family is adorable and growing up so fast! :)

Jane Says said...

spencer- what a cute family! you all look so happy and well! you have been very busy!! a lot has changed since high school! best wishes!
jane d.