This picture is kinda funny. The last friday we were there it happened to be Mother's Day for the "Tico's" (thats what you call the Costa Rican people). Boy, they sure do love their Mothers!! Every place was decorated red and white and I got this balloon after dinner that night. My hair drenched because we got caught in a HUGE rainstorm that would put the storms here to shame. However that kind of storm is common here in the country. We were shopping in an outdoor mall without an umbrella. The power kept going out,so we just had to make a run for it!!
Spencer and I were able to go to Costa Rica together without any of our kiddos. Spencer was actually going for work, and he bought me a ticket out there to meet him. Even though at first I resisted leaving the kids, I am SO glad I went. Costa Rica is a beautiful place with super nice people. We had a blast!!

This is the first hotel we stayed at. It is close to San Jose and close to the site where Spencer was training. It is the Marriott San Jose. It is an awesome resort...very Americanized.
CROCS!!! These are the meanest, nastiest looking things. After we left San Jose to head to a beach town called Herredia. These Nasty things were just off the main Highway underneath a bridge. They were all at least 6ft long.
This is us about to join a canopy tour. That is just fancy talk for HUGE zip lines through the jungle. The middle picture is a bridge in the middle of the jungle that gets you from one zip line to another. The last picture is me on top of a platform on top of a HUGE tree!
Gotta have some action pics!! We are looking a little sweaty but it was well worth it!!
Spencer as he is heading out to catch some, catching up on some good reading and yes, I am in my whale pants!! Spencer likes to make fun, but hey I wear whats comfy these days!!
This is the next hotel that we stayed in. It is the resort Los Suenos. It is just beautiful and the resturaunts were unbelieveable.
This is me getting a massage on the beach...$50/90min, you can't beat that anywhere!! Then of course I had to try the boogie boarding now that the waves were a little tamer. We are in a new city now called Manuel Antonio. It is truly the jungle. We stayed at a little bungalo about 200 yards from the ocean, it was not much to speak of as far as lodging goes, thus no pictures! BUT, the surroundings were GREAT! There were monkeys, and huge lizards everywhere. The last pic is me in a resturaunt that is literally in the jungle, all outdoors nestled in a tree.
While we were in Manuel Antonio we were able to go river rafting. They say the best time to go is when the sun is shining and the water is brown. That means that it is has just rained and there is great fast water to ride. These were 3+ rapids so they were pretty good for first timers. This was a BLAST. I could consider taking it up as a hobby...oh yeah I live in AZ, not a good place for lots of rain! Anyway, it was really a lot of fun!