We are so happy to have all of our kids home ALL DAY for the summer. We are keeping busy! Abby, Braiden, and Caleb are on swim team. Even though it is a big commitment to get up and practice each morning, they are loving it and they are doing very well. Abby just finished up Volleyball camp over at Gilbert HS. She loved it so much! If everything goes as planned she will be a much better vball player than her mother. Braiden and Caleb will be attending basketball camp at Coronado soon. Braiden, however, doesnt think he needs to go because, "Mom, I already know how to play basketball!".

Dayson and Emma are busy tring to figure out which of them is the boss of mom, the baby boy of the house or the baby girl of the house. So far Emma is winning. Spencer is keeping extremely busy with work, both at Intel and with our side business Agis Consulting. His calling in Young Mens is also keeping him busy. I am also trying to slide in some fun of my own this summer. I just got back from Girls Camp! It was 3 days of goodness and ZERO sleep. Yes, I did miss my snack and bed at 8:30pm. BUT I feel so lucky to have been around such an amazing group of Young Women. Keep checking back with this post, I will have more pics coming soon....................