Abby bet Becky $1 that she could catch a fish in 2 minutes. Guess what? Becky owes Abby some money!! Good job Abby!!!
Our sweet Emma going fishing with Papa first thing in the morning!
Oh the Water Weenie! No weenies here!
Mother and Son making a sand castle!
Hanging out with DAD

Look at these brave kiddos going tubing!!
"Bye mom!!" All mom could think is "please come back in one piece"!
This was by far the highlight of the trip. Abby, Braiden, and Caleb all learned how to wakeboard behind the boat. We are SO proud. See the below pics for more.........
Look at Abby go!
Go Braiden!!!!
Here goes Cowboy Caleb!
Of course the best wakeboarder we know! Note: the helmet is not a fashion statement. We are trying to protect the brain of our sweet daddy. He gets a little crazy out there at times!!
I was so happy to NOT be pregnant so I could let loose a little. I caught some air on this jump, but we won't metion how I landed it.....
This is a new thing that is popular to do behind the boat. As you get going you let go of the rope and just surf the boat's wake.
Caleb surfing with dad

Braiden surfing with dad