I was able to get together with the girls again this year and attend another wonderful women's conference at BYU. We had the priviledge of hearing from our beloved prophet, President Monson. It was sooo much fun even though there was NO sleep to be had! This posting is the G rated version of our trip. There are plenty more incriminating pictures so if anyone needs a good blackmail....contact me! (we've got you trapped Velvet...you better not ever move anywhere else!!!) We suprised Velvet with a little dinner in honor of the Bride to Be at a mexican resturaunt that Jen DeTemple was able to get for us. They were able to accomidate all 36 of us in one great room! Thanks Jen! Yes, we were also very miserable as it snowed on us while we were in SLC. Yet, I refused to remove my beloved flip flops for some more appropriate Utah wear. What can I say....I am a true Arizona girl.